
  • Client: Compostic

    Director: Siew Wee H’ng

    Producer: Han Law

    Copy Writing: Simon Pound, Compostic, Han Law

    Design & Art Direction: Siew Wee H’ng

    Production: Min Pon, Han Law, Siew Wee H’ng

    Compositing: Siew Wee H’ng

    Motion Graphic: Min Pon

    Music & SFX: Jhen Thoo


Approached by the good guys at Compostic- we were tasked to create video content to communicate their incredible product: home-compostable cling wrap.

Understanding how the content will be used, we made four clips from scratch covering off the various messaging while being able to string it together to form one longer piece suitable as a brand video.


Template designs with noissue.


Endeavour Property Services